Intesa Sanpaolo Start-Up Initiative - NanotechItaly Edition

Venice, Italy - November 29, 2013

Nanotechnologies and materials

From the Lab to the Market is a unique coaching and fund-raising fast-track opportunity for nanotechnology entrepreneurs that will take place during the NanotechItaly2013 conference.

The event From the Lab to the Market is dedicated to start-ups in the field of nanotechnology and aims at presenting new companies with business ideas in nanotechnology to a wide audience of experts, companies, investors and VCs in order to facilitate the matching of supply and demand of nanotechnology.

It is coorganized by Intesa Sanpaolo Start-Up Initiative and the Nanoforce project.

Call for start-ups

The organizers are now recruiting eligible international start-ups having brand new nanotechnology based products or services in the following fields:

  • new materials,
  • biotechnology, nanomedicine or pharma,
  • clean technologies/energy,
  • electronics, sensors or devices.

New entrepreneurs, startuppers, researchers and scientists with a business idea are invited to submit their proposals by filling in the online form available at

Submission deadline:September 2nd, 2013. The evaluation will be done on a “first come, first served” basis as space is limited. Therefore, early submissions are strongly encouraged.


To attend the event as an investor or observer, or for more information, you can write to or to